T: 0151 652 8454
E: schooloffice@holycross.wirral.sch.uk

Year 3

My name is Miss Dunlop and I am the Year 3 teacher whilst Mrs McDermott is on maternity leave. We are very lucky to be supported by Ms Shields, who also works closely with groups of children.

This year, we have lots of exciting learning planned – you can find out what we will be doing by clicking on the ‘Long Term Plan’ button below.

PE: Y3 will be doing PE on a Wednesday afternoon – please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit for the day.

At Holy Cross, we are incredibly passionate about fostering a love of reading in all children. We also know how difficult it can be to choose reading books for your child, which is why we have created ‘recommended reads’ for each year group. Click on the button below for more information. 

Many thanks,

Miss Dunlop


In Y3, children are expected to practise their times tables each night on Times Tables Rockstars for at least 5 minutes. By the end of Y3, all children should be fluent in the 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 8s and 10s, including division facts.

They are also expected to read each night, either their own reading book or on Read Theory, for at least 15 minutes. 

Additional homework will be given as and when I feel it will be beneficial for the children. 


As you know, reading is a huge focus in our school and it can have a fantastic impact on children’s learning across the different curriculum areas.

In class 3, reading records should be completed daily by parents/carers and can be done by clicking on this link: https://forms.gle/4kur7HPk3mMnrTss7

Children can either access reading online on Read Theory or a levelled reading book/their own book. If you would like any book recommendations, I will be more than happy to help!

Class Information



1. 06/04/2020 - Before we broke up, we were looking at Money. We were learning how to add pounds and pence together using different coins. This website has some activities for you to have a go at. I encourage you to find any coins you can to help you with this. Don't...



Writing task Last half term, we were just getting to our writing. We were planning a write up of our return story. Jemmy went to the big city to see what it was like, then returned home. Have a go at the following:   1. 06/04/2020 - To practice your writing...



It has been a little while since we have looked at our spellings. Please look here as I will change the spelling words each week so you can keep practicing!  You could also have a go at the game we play in class to practice your spellings, there are sets of words for...