T: 0151 652 8454
E: schooloffice@holycross.wirral.sch.uk



At Holy Cross Catholic Primary School we are fully committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of our children.  It is their right to be safe in school and our duty to ensure this. 

Safeguarding is managed in a number of ways.  This includes ensuring good behaviour, safety on the school site, anti-bullying, E-safety, pupil voice and child protection policies.

As part of safeguarding work, we work in partnership with colleagues from other agencies.  This includes colleagues from school nursing, social care, community police, children’s centres, therapists, paediatricians and other agencies.

Safeguarding concerns can also be reported directly to the Care and Duty Team (CADT) at Wirral Social Care.  Their telephone number is: 0151 606 2008.

We have a safeguarding team at Holy Cross Catholic Primary School who help to co-ordinate all our work.  We meet regularly to ensure that our policy and practice is as good as we want it to be.  Please contact us if you need any support or advice.   We also have a nominated safeguarding governor.

Mrs Clare Higgins (Headteacher)

Mrs Paula Bras (DHT & SENDCO)

Mr Christopher Hall (AHT)

Mrs Marie Wallace (Foundation Governor)

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Governor with responsibility for safeguarding