T: 0151 652 8454
E: schooloffice@holycross.wirral.sch.uk



At Holy Cross Catholic Primary School, we value each child as an individual with a unique potential for learning. Our aim is to enable each child to participate fully in current and future society as a responsible, self-confident citizen thus reducing the cultural capital gap. We promote the academic, spiritual, moral, cultural, mental, technical and physical qualities of all pupils. We believe that an effective curriculum offers knowledge, skills and understanding.

Our curriculum is designed with these principles in mind: it is personalised, reflecting the background and experience of our pupils; it is outward facing, setting learning in global contexts wherever possible; it celebrates diversity to emphasise unity; it is rooted in authenticity and context so that learning is relevant.

We define curriculum as the totality of a child’s experience at Holy Cross Catholic Primary School. This includes not only what but also how the child learns. All stakeholders are part of the curriculum design.

Engaging: Our aim is that children enjoy learning and embrace challenge: this high level of engagement leads to progress.

Enriching: Our aim is that the curriculum is enriched in a variety of ways: trips; visitors; real world contexts; innovative, stimulating and inspiring experiences; cross-curricular links; purposeful use of the environment have unique interests, skills and talents. Our curriculum is designed flexibly to meet the needs of these groups.

Enhancing: All decisions are made in the best interests of the children; preparing them for the next stage of education and enabling them to become lifelong learners. All stakeholders are part of the development of the curriculum design.


Curriculum Model

Knowledge-engaged approach: which underpins and enables the application of skill. English and Maths are explicitly identified to be taught in the context of other subjects. We strive for children to learn skills alongside knowledge, ensuring that both developed.

 At Holy Cross Catholic Primary School, we see knowledge and skills as intertwined. The curriculum is about how we can ensure that pupils can achieve both. We believe that this is important for making the curriculum relevant and meaningful to pupils and for putting knowledge into context.

Curriculum content is grouped into a series of units of work/teaching sequences. Each unit/sequence begins with either an inquiry question, a hook or reveal etc designed to engage the children and frame the learning journey through to identified outcomes.

Initial reflection on this question supports formative assessment of pupils’ starting points and gives an opportunity to, where appropriate, for pupil voice to influence learning. Staff awareness of prior learning from previous years ensures the is regular reinforcement of key knowledge and skills. Teaching is designed to help learners to remember in the long term the content they have been taught and to integrate new knowledge into larger concepts.

Core Values

Independent Learner

Definition: self-motivated problem solver.

  • Self-questioning: ask questions and identify problems which need to be solved.
  • Self-confident: persevere; manage risks in order to master new skills, knowledge and concepts. Resist peer pressure by making independent informed decisions. Develop resilience.
  • Self-reflective: assess progress; recognise misconceptions; evaluate experiences; identify next steps.

Confident Communicator

Definition: emotionally mature with a depth of language learning that enables them to share ideas effectively, including in collaborative contexts.

  • Empathetic: recognise emotions and motivations of self and others.
  • Participate in discussion, dialogue and debate – active listening together with explaining, describing and questioning, valuing their own and others’ contributions.
  • Present ideas accurately through written and spoken forms.

Global Citizen

Definition: respects the rights of others and is proactive in helping to make the world a better place to live in.

  • Understand issues affecting themselves, the global community and the environment.
  • Respect themselves, the global community and the environment.
  • Proactive: seek to improve themselves, their community and the environment, making choices informed by the framework of human rights.

The impact of the curriculum is evident in the outcomes for all pupils.


  • Engaged motivated children who take learning with them prepared for the next stage of their education.
  • Assessment data which reflects progress made against national expectations.
  • Application of knowledge and skills in different contexts.
  • Embedding knowledge and skills through regular opportunity to practice and rehearse prior learning.
  • A learning environment which is vibrant and reflects the rich and varied opportunities our children encounter.
  • Learners are ready for the next stage of education. Confident and prepared to embrace opportunities and follower their interests and aspirations.